Category: All posts

  • Audience development in the arts (part one)

    Audience Development is a special type of marketing; “a planned process which involves building a relationship between an individual and the arts. This post is designed to provide a vocabulary and a theoretical basis for describing and considering what it is practitioners ask people to take part in when they offer them a theatre ticket. Audience…

  • Low-cost online personalisation

    Writing about low-cost online personalisation is a bit like attempting online personalisation is fraught with questions. I’ve got to admit, this is the sixth draft of this article. Without thinking it through I launched into a fairly amusing piece about technology not being magic, and how even Harry Potter couldn’t catch all his golden-stats with…

  • the logos of brand

    Lo·gos (lô’gôs’, lŏg’ŏs’) n. In Christianity, in Saint John’s Gospel, especially in the prologue (1:1-14), the creative word of God, which is itself God. Also called Word. Even without the theological hermeneutics marketers are keenly aware of the powerful creative potential of brands, and of their public face, the logo. But brand is much, much…

  • The customer is not always right… no matter what he says

    Those who stress negotiated meaning argue that the meanings of texts are neither completely predetermined nor completely open, but are subject to certain constraints. Some commentators refer to influences on the process of making meaning such as ‘a preferred reading’ – which may be represented in the text as ‘an inscribed reader’ or may emerge…

  • Constructivist arts marketing

    I believe that the meaning which defines the relationship between the attender (consumer) and the venue is constructed by the attender, in partnership with the marketer. The meaning emerges from the interplay between the text (the brand, marketing and promotional activity) and the desires, beliefs and attitudes of the audience member. The next few posts…

  • Why did you ask me that?

    There are substantial dangers to asking the wrong question at the wrong time, and I’m not just talking about proposing here. Developing audiences is like a courtship, a finely tuned ballet in which stages are involved, stages of trust and engagement. You wouldn’t propose on the first date, you might never tell your partner your…

  • Arts Marketing: special, not different

    It’s probably said too often. And too often “different” is meant as a pejorative. Arts marketing can be different. It can be good and bad. But when we start to think of arts marketing as special, rather than different, and see its challenges and opportunities we begin to develop specific strategies to make it even…